Urban Planning

What Is Planning?

"Planning, also called urban planning or city and regional planning, is a dynamic profession that works to improve the welfare of people and their communities by creating more convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient, and attractive places for present and future generations" (What is Planning?). 

Urban planning may be applied to the structure of cities. In today's city structure, a city acts as a center and a majority of the people live in suburbs outside the city. This means that many fossil fuels are burnt through commute and transportation in and out of the city. With the idea of urban planning, the structure would change to a better layout, which would allow the option of biking, walking, or healthier ways of commute. Rather than heavily relying on the city, more would be located outside in order to reduce the miles and help save the environment. 

Another way urban planning may help the environment is through the planning of developing countries. "Cities in developing countries face myriad urban environmental problems. Commonly known as the Brown Agenda, these include lack of sanitation, lack of adequate solid waste collection services, water pollution from untreated municipal and industrial wastewater, indoor and ambient air pollution, contamination of soil and land from improper disposal of solid and hazardous waste and so on. It is important to address these problems for meaningful improvements to be achieved in enhancing urban livability in cities of developing countries" (Strategic Urban Environmental Planning).

Urban planning may also be applied to the layout of your home. For example, installing a lot of windows facing the sun allows natural sunlight to warm a house rather than paying a lot of money through heating and burning a lot of fossil fuels to do so. The location of trees can also be helpful to create shade during the summer, but allow sunlight through during the winter for extra warmth. 

“Strategic Urban Environmental Planning.” The World Bank. The World Bank Group, 2011. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://web.worldbank.org/‌WBSITE/‌EXTERNAL/‌TOPICS/‌EXTURBANDEVELOPMENT/‌EXTUWM/‌0,,contentMDK:20184472~menuPK:404557~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:341511,00.html>.

“What Is Planning?” American Planning Association. APA, 2012. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://www.planning.org/‌aboutplanning/‌whatisplanning.htm>.

1. “Urban and City Planning.” Africa and Haiti. Filles Marie-Paul Laheurte, 2012. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://www.gilleslaheurte.com/‌Africahaiti.html>.

2. “Planning Is...” Environmental Reporting for Awareness. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://environewsjamaica.wordpress.com/‌2011/‌05/‌18/‌planning-is/>.